Other Professional Audiovisual Equipment

By other professional AV equipment, we mean all that equipment which, by its nature or purpose, cannot be classified in any of the previously listed categories, and which otherwise forms an integral part of our general offer.

We are talking about a variety of equipment that is not always and absolutely mandatory in the primary function of realizing the event, but which has a really great contribution in realizing the complete visual experience of the participants, which is why it is very often exploited. This primarily includes ambient and stage lighting, portable stages and stage constructions, portable lecterns, barrier posts and visual barriers, and other equipment.

Given that our general offer is based on the "turnkey" principle, i.e. that we provide most of our services in a package, we will provide our users with even the equipment that we normally do not have in our own arsenal (such as LED screens, power generators, stage effects, banners and backwalls, furniture, pagodas, etc.). Be sure to send us your specific request and let us take care of all your audiovisual needs.

Other Professional Audiovisual Equipment

By other professional AV equipment, we mean all that equipment which, by its nature or purpose, cannot be classified in any of the previously listed categories, and which otherwise forms an integral part of our general offer.

We are talking about a variety of equipment that is not always and absolutely mandatory in the primary function of realizing the event, but which has a really great contribution in realizing the complete visual experience of the participants, which is why it is very often exploited. This primarily includes ambient and stage lighting, portable stages and stage constructions, portable lecterns, barrier posts and visual barriers, and other equipment.

Given that our general offer is based on the "turnkey" principle, i.e. that we provide most of our services in a package, we will provide our users with even the equipment that we normally do not have in our own arsenal (such as LED screens, power generators, stage effects, banners and backwalls, furniture, pagodas, etc.). Be sure to send us your specific request and let us take care of all your audiovisual needs.

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